Submission Information

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health: A New Landscape for Research and Practice”

The 2025 SOBP Annual Meeting provides an interactive platform for learning and discovery. The meeting program focuses on alternative and transformative frameworks for understanding psychiatric illnesses, and presents enhanced and newly emerging tools for measurement and manipulation. Within these frameworks and with these tools, techniques and experimental designs are illustrated that can enhance understanding of psychiatric illness and elucidate the biological pathways and markers of illness processes.

While scientific quality is paramount, this year the committee has prioritized symposia proposals that are composed of diverse participants and that address diversity in scientific topics as indicated in the following diversity statements:
Diversity in Participants
Symposium participants included scientists and/or clinicians who are diverse in gender, individuals from underrepresented backgrounds or underrepresented groups in science, technology, etc. In addition, symposia attempted to include individuals who are at an early career stage.
Diversity in Scientific Topics
The SOBP strongly supports diversity in the scientific topics of symposia and sought symposia that addressed important understudied factors (e.g., sex- and gender-based analyses, vulnerabilities and treatment gaps for minority populations, etc.) in psychiatric neuroscience.

View the 2025 Call for Proposals.

Please see below for important deadlines.

For assistance with your abstract submission, please consult the following list of SOBP members and their institutions for an SOBP member at your institution.

The Submission Dashboard will Open on August 12th, 2024. 


Travel Fellowship Awards (Early Career Investigator) October 7th  August 12th  Travel Fellowship
Awards Submission Site User Guide

Symposium Proposal

Chair starts proposal & adds presenters – Closes September 20th

Submission of Individual Presenter Abstracts – Closes September 26th

Chairs add overall abstract, Review & Finalize Proposed Sessions – Closes September 27th

September 27th  August 12th 

Symposia Criteria & Guidelines

Symposia Instructions


Honorific Awards


October 25th  August 12th  Award Descriptions
Oral and Poster Abstracts November 22 August 12th 

Oral/Poster Submission Guidelines

Submission Instructions

Special Projects Funding October 25th August 12th Special Projects Funding Descriptions
Registration Open      

Late Breaking Poster Abstracts


*All late breaking posters will be presented on Saturday, April 26


February 7, 2025 Opens
Jan 2025
2025 SOBP Annual Meeting April 24-26, 2025

*All deadlines are 5:00 p.m. central.