Travel Fellowship Award – Early Career Investigator – Domestic

Deadline to Submit: October 7th, 2024


The training of a new generation of psychiatric academicians is a major objective of the Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP). Participation in professional meetings, where new information is exchanged and contacts are made, can have a critical impact on the career of a developing basic and clinician-scientist. In recognition of the importance of academic exchange, SOBP annually selects distinguished Early Career Investigators from North American institutions to be a part of our Travel Fellowship Award program. Travel Awards recognize excellence in scholarly activity by junior researchers by providing the opportunity to attend the annual meeting and participate in special programming for the awardees. These awards are supported by the Society of Biological Psychiatry and in part by Elsevier, publisher of the Society’s journals, Biological Psychiatry and Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

Each travel fellowship award includes:

  • $2,000 to help defray the travel and living cost to attend the Annual Meeting in award year
  • Waived registration fee for attendance at the annual meeting in award year
  • Waived registration fee for attendance at the next two consecutive Annual Meetings (no financial award) after award year
  • Programming designed for Early Career Investigators offered in addition to education at annual meeting
  • An SOBP member assigned to the awardee for individualized mentorship during the meeting
  • Presentation of a poster or oral abstract at the meeting (required)
  • Recognition at events during the meeting that present and honor all SOBP travel award recipients
  • Abstract fees and SOBP member sponsor waived for oral or poster abstract submission


  • Applicants qualify based on their home institution. e.g. a person currently studying at a US institution but whose primary affiliation is an international institution should apply for the ECI-International Award.
  • Awardees who are selected and accept but are unable to attend the full SOBP meeting will forfeit the award. 
  • Individuals from any university, department or institute in the US, Canada or Mexico, who meet the following criteria, may submit an application for an Early Career Investigator – Domestic Travel Award.
  • Applicant must be within ten (10) years of completing their terminal research degree or within ten years of completing their medical residency at the time of application. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis when the applicant provides a compelling reason for prolonged trajectory toward start of scientific career. Requests for consideration to waive the 10-year rule may be uploaded with application.
  • Academic faculty with rank higher than “Assistant Professor” (or equivalent) are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants who have established independent funding such as R-type awards may be deemed too senior for the Early Career Investigator-Domestic awards.
  • Applicants do not need to be published to apply for the Early Career Investigator-Domestic award. Publications will, however, add to the value of the application.
  • Up to 34 candidates may be selected for the awards. Selections will be made based on strength of personal statement, biosketch, and need for travel funding.
  • The successful recipient will be limited to one Early Career Investigator-Domestic or one Early Career Investigator-International award.
  • Past recipients of a SOBP Travel Fellowship Awards may not apply again.
  • Early Career Investigator -Domestic winners must submit a well-developed, carefully-constructed abstract with data which meets scientific rigor.
  • To receive the travel award winners are expected to attend the entire meeting, present in an oral or poster session, be present for the recognition event and participate in the SOBP mentor/mentee program for Early Career Investigators.
  • The award will be presented by the President of the Society at the Society’s Annual Meeting.

Application Submission Instructions:

  • All applicants must complete the on-line application.
  • A letter of nomination by the Department or Program Chair or faculty mentor is required.
  • A NIH biosketch (preferred) or short curriculum vita not to exceed 6 pages is required.
  • A one-page statement of career interests and objectives describing how attendance at the SOBP meeting will facilitate achieving your goals is required.

Notification of Award and Abstract Submission Instructions:

  • Applicants will be notified of award decision by early December.
  • Applicants chosen for an award must confirm that they will attend the meeting within one (1) week of notification of selection.
  • After award notification is made, you will be asked to enter a Late Breaking Poster Abstract.
  • Recipients of a travel award will receive a code to waive the $40 abstract submission fee and member sponsor requirement.
  • The abstract must meet the minimum scoring requirements for accepted abstracts to be presented at the meeting.
  • Those who do not receive an award may still submit Late Breaking Poster Abstracts but will need to pay the $40 abstract submission fee and have a SOBP member sponsor their abstract.
  • The sponsor for your application does not need to be an SOBP member. The SOBP office can assist with locating a member sponsor but are unable to assist in locating a sponsor outside of membership.

To receive the travel award, applicants are expected to attend the entire meeting (virtually if the in-person meeting does not take place), be present for the recognition events, submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation, and participate in the mentor/mentee program for young investigators.  These awards are supported by the Society of Biological Psychiatry and Elsevier, publisher of the Society’s journal, Biological Psychiatry.

Travel Award Deferral Policy: A Travel Award may be deferred for one year in the following circumstances: birth of a child and to care for the newborn child; the placement of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child; to care for one’s spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition; or when the awardee has a serious health condition.

Society of Biological Psychiatry