Somerfeld-Ziskind Research Award

Deadline to Submit: October 25th, 2024

The Society of Biological Psychiatry offers an annual award of $5,000 to recognize outstanding research investigations in biological psychiatry.


  1. No application is required for this award.
  2. The fifteen (15) highest ranked original investigations, among the archival reports in Biological Psychiatry, based upon peer review scores, are provided to the Somerfeld-Ziskind Award Committee by the Biological Psychiatry editorial office. The award committee members review each paper independently and the highest rated paper is considered the award paper.
  3. The award winner is the first author of the award paper.
  4. In the event that there are two first authors, the prize will be shared evenly among the first authors.
  5. Special consideration is given to the originality of the approach and independence of thought in the archival report.
  6. The studies and the data must not have been published elsewhere.
  7. The award will be presented by the President of the Society during the Society’s Annual Meeting.

Previous Recipients (partial listing)

2005 – Bennett A. Shaywitz, MD – Yale University
2006 – Johannes Schumacher, MD – University of Bonn
2007 – Elizabeth F. C. van Rossum, MD – Erasmus Medical Center – The Netherlands
2008 – Tracy Bale, PhD – University of Pennsylvania and Sarah L. Teegarden, BS – University of Pennsylvania
2009 – Susan L. Christian, PhD – University of Chicago
2010 – Tania Roth, PhD – University of Alabama
2011 – Melissa Malvaez, MS – University of California, Irvine
2012 – Philipp Ottis, MSc & Verian Bader, MSc – Henrich Heine University Medical Center -Düsseldorf, Germany
2013 – Omri Weisman, PhD – Bar-Ilan University, Israel
2014 – Jinhui Wang, PhD – Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
2015 – Adam S. Smith, PhD – NIH/NIMH, Bethesda, MD
2016 – Peter Nagele, MD – Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis
2017 – Stephanie Solso – University of California
2018 – Hannah Cates, PhD – Ichann School of Medicine and Rosemary Bagot, PhD – McGill University
2019 – Aurelijus Burokas, PhD – Vilnius University
2020 – Theo van Erp, PhD –  University of California, Irvine
2021 –  Gunes Sevinc, PhD – Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital and Leah Mayo, PhD – Linkoping University
2022 – Rongrong Huang – Southeastern University
2023- JooEun Kang, PhD- Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Niamh Mullins, PhD– Icahn School Of Medicine at mount Sinai                                                                                                2024- Sameer A. Sheth, MD, PhD – Baylor College of Medicine and Kelly Rowe Bijanki PhD – Baylor College of Medicine                                                                                                              2024- Friederike Holze, PhD – University Hospital Basel and Peter Gasser, Dr. Med. Sc. – University of Basel Switzerland

Society of Biological Psychiatry